STEPS To Install GingerBread On X8:
Step 1: Make a backup copy of your Android Eclair 2.1 using xRecovery
- check that your phone's SD Card has at least 650MB of free space
[SD card free space is to hold both your phone original backup ROM and the 2.3 ROM]
- shutdown your X8 and wait 5 seconds -> <reboot> your phone.
- when you see the words [Sony Ericsson] on the phone screen -> start pressing the back button on your phone multiple times and you will enter the xRecovery Menu.
- select <backup and restore><backup> from the menu
- This will create a backup file in your SD Card <SD/xRecovery/backup>
- After you have completed the backup using xRecovery, it will return to the menu screen.
- Now choose <reboot> - your X8 phone should restart
Step 2: download ROM Gingerbread For X8 copy the file Gingerbread(x8).zip into SD card
- <unmount> and shutdown your Xpedia X8
Step 3: Installing the 2.3.3 ROM on your Xpedia X8
- <boot> Xpedia X8
- when you see the words [Sony Ericsson] on the phone screen -> start pressing the back button on your phone multiple times and you will enter the xRecovery Menu.
- perform <factory reset (full wipe)>
- scroll down and hit <install custom zip>
- select Gingerbread> from your SD card & hit <yes>
- xRecovery will start to install the 2.3.3 ROM on your phone.
- when it is done, xRecovey will go back to the startup menu
Reboot & Enjoy
Mu'ammil A. I (a.k.a) MiL